
Sword of Truth3

I have been called to speak Truth in order that the Lord will be Honored and Glorified. To reach fellow brethren and the lost.

We are here for a short time as we live out a life that was taught to us and putting the Creator on the back burner as if He never existed, but, I tell you this, He loved us soooo much that He sent His only son, that we might be saved if we believe.

Father God does not want any to be lost.

Heaven? or Hell?

heaven of hell


Are you ready? watching? praying? reading the Word?

Do you Know of Him? or do you really Know Him? He desires a personal relationship with you why not start now if you haven’t already.

All posts to this blog will either be encouraging or warnings.

We have all been called in these end times to complete a mission that the MOST HIGH ordained since before the foundation of the world it is our mission to complete that job before time runs out in this world. To be in the world but not part of it as the set apart Spirit in all of us guides us into all truth. The restoration has already begun!