1 Cor. 6:

9Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, 10Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. 11And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.

There are many false doctrines being circulated through the churches that are under the control of the anti-Christ system through their non profit system. In order to maintain their tax exemptions; they submit to secular and ungodly rules and regulations.

These “Christian leaders” have decided to put their greed ahead of the Word of God, and all of their churches should be boycotted. The demands on those giving them their tax exemption will grow greater and greater.

These so called “Christian” leaders are selling their freedom to be led by The Holy Spirit for a mess of pottage. They have become prisoners to the anti-Christ system and their insidious, ungodly agenda.

You will know these leaders by their fruit. They care more about the money than they do about the people under their authority, and that is why they are not making their churches a House of Prayer for all people as we were commanded to do by our Lord Jesus Christ.


The evil empire is more afraid of prayer than all of the weapons of mass destruction put together. That is why prayer has almost become obsolete in many churches, and if it is allowed; it is usually never the priority.

God has given His people “all” authority over the enemy, and yet we are not exercising this great power. Why did God give us, His people, this authority? Because we are to use it to take back our homes, our families, our communities, and our nations from the illegal take over from our worst enemies.

These enemies of God and His people have already been defeated on the cross some 2,000 years ago, and we are told by The Lord that nothing will by any means harm us as we use God’s authority to conquer all of His and our enemies.

However, we Christian have succumbed to the morals of the world. We have in many cases surrendered our mighty power to gain prestige, power, money and security.

There is no security in the world or the world system. It is all passing away. The help of mankind and especially satan’s dupes is vain and worthless.

Many people are selling out their souls for what will be burned up in the coming time. They are being deceived, tricked, deluded and promises are made to countless people that can never be fulfilled.


1Dare any of you, having a matter against another, go to law before the unjust, and not before the saints? 2Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters? 3Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life? If then ye have judgments of things pertaining to this life, set them to judge who are least esteemed in the church. 5I speak to your shame. Is it so, that there is not a wise man among you? no, not one that shall be able to judge between his brethren? 6But brother goeth to law with brother, and that before the unbelievers.

The Christians will judge the world and the angels, but we are being told that we are nothing which is the opposite of what The Lord Jesus says about His people. We are so honored by God, and we have our names written in the Book of Life.

Because I am a Christian, and I love The Lord above my life; I am being harassed, robbed, lied about, and shunned by those who say they are Christians, but are not. Because I love God; I am hated by those who should be showing kindness to me.

History is repeating itself as we are going down the dark tunnel that was a failed attempt to take over the world by Hitler and his followers. The brown shirts are the equivalent of the present day nephilim hybrids who are used and than eliminated.

They were used to harass the Jews, and those who helped the innocent people, and then they were all slaughtered. The plans of satan continue on and on, but they will never be realized as they are all delusions of grandeur.

Satan uses the same old lies that mere mortals will become gods \O/. What an unbelievable lie. Satan tells his dupes that they will never die, but they will keep coming back until they become perfect.

What a load of garbage. These poor deluded people are going to have a tremendous shock when the very people in authority who they worked for; turn on them completely and betray them and then destroy them.

The people who betray their own families, their country and do it all for temporary reward are not to be trusted by even satan. They are worthless as they only know how to kill, steal, lie, cheat and destroy.

What they have sown; they will also reap. These murderers, pedophiles, abortionists, and the like will all die as they have killed. Those that live by the sword; die by the sword.

These servants of satan will die the same way that they killed the innocent unless they repent and turn to Jesus Christ.

Wake up Christians, and take back your homes, your families, your areas, your country and the world. The Lord will be your defense and rearguard. He will fight the battle for you. He will bring it about as we trust in Him.

Expose all of the evil deeds of darkness, the infiltrators, the fronts that are used to launder money and to bring down our country. Do not buy products from companies that are obviously trying to cause our children and our people to become like immoral animals.

Do not reward evil, but reward those who are building up our people, and those who are doing what is right. Pray that the Lord will destroy all of the works of satan, his hiding places, his ritual sites, his weapons, his devices, his vehicles and all of his servants that are unredeemable just as Joshua and Caleb

were commissioned to destroy all of the nephilim hybrids because they would destroy His beloved people and God knew they only cared about making His people into immoral beasts ready to take the mark of the beast and end up in hell for all eternity.


Dear Father God,

Please raise up Your mighty standard against these inhuman beasts who are programmed to only kill, steal, lie, cheat, trick and destroy Your beloved people.

Please raise up the men and women of God who have the spirits of Joshua, Caleb, and Jehu. Bring down the spirit of Jezebel and witchcraft that is rampant in many churches.

Please raise up the good shepherds who will care for the one sheep. Bring down the hirelings, and those who have made a den of thieves out of our Father’s House.

Please bring the people of God together to build Your glorious last day church for Your honor and glory in Jesus’ Name, amen, amen and amen.

Let us turn to almighty God with all of our hearts, minds, souls and strength, and He will work His mighty wonders in this country and all over the world. Bless His holy and glorious Name!

~ Author Peggy~

2 comments on “DO NOT BE DECEIVED

  1. Pingback: New Hope | SWORD OF TRUTH


We have all been called in these end times to complete a mission that the MOST HIGH ordained since before the foundation of the world it is our mission to complete that job before time runs out in this world. To be in the world but not part of it as the set apart Spirit in all of us guides us into all truth. The restoration has already begun!