Signs and Images


With the ever increasing signs and images in this world, we now need to take note of their symbolism. We learned these things, along with hand signs that we really did not know where they originally came from. Some we just copied what we had seen and it was cool, but needless to say flashing the devils horns has become quite popular among many. WHY?? cause it has been ingrained in us as we become more programmed by the TV shows and movies, not to mention the Hollywood stars who are using these signs even more in this dark age we live in. I have collected some of these and would like you to view them here. We must become familiar with these signs and symbols in order for us to avoid their deep spiritual meanings. There are many more then what I have posted and you can go back to these boards from time to time as I update them with new pins.

The one thing I do know is they are every where in your face, programming us to accept them. Business, corporations, churches, community groups etc. It is important for us to research this area before all of this is taken down and sites like mine will no longer be available giving you this “TRUTH”. We are being bombarded with symbols and images that have a deeper meaning to them. They are widely used in any dark secret society with groups stemming from them like an octopus. Each leg does not know what the other is doing but they are all working together in it. Many would have doubts about what I am saying by saying, “oh if your looking for something you will see it” or “they are absolutely harmless”. This is the typical programming

There seems to be one source that is the center of all of this as many are now seeking the Kabbalistic ways of Zionism. So what is Kabbalah? You can read on it to understand it’s roots at the link I have given you. It is essential that we understand who is at the top and who is at the bottom… part 2 will show you this.You can read on more to get a full understanding but we really do not know it all. These are just some of the facts that have already been documented. Only the facts that the powers that be have released. Much information that we seek now through sources has a bit of truth to catch our interest and then the lies come and this is where discernment is greatly needed. Know your enemy!

Esoteric vs Exoteric


  [es′ə terik]


  1. The definition of esoteric is something only understood by a chosen group.

    An example of esoteric is pa++ern, an embroidery language.




    1. intended for or understood by only a chosen few, as an inner group of disciples or initiates: said of ideas, literature, etc.
    2. beyond the understanding or knowledge of most people; abstruse
  1. confidential; private; withheld: an esoteric plan

Origin of esoteric

Classical Greek esōterikos ; from esōteros, inner, comparative of esō, within ; from es, eis, into


  [eks′ə terik]



  1. of the outside world; external
  2. not limited to a select few or an inner group of disciples; suitable for the uninitiated
  3. that can be understood by the public; popular

Origin of exoteric

Late Latin exotericus ; from Classical Greek exōterikos, external ; from comparative ofexō, outside: see ex-

Even I had to look up these words to understand their meanings. In other words the plans of the ELITE (Powers that be) are esoteric. They do not want us knowing their plans for us although the success of some of those plans has already been published on the web. They have one god and it is not the God of creation! Most believers do not even realize they are being pulled into this by the symbolism (christian symbols) and signs that have indoctrinated our society today. EVERY tradition! EVERYTHING we learned and EVERYTHING we see has an ORIGIN. If we do not seek out the truth we stay deceived and the illusion gets even bigger as we reject the truth being given by those who only seek “TRUTH”.
Olivet has an extensive amount of information on her blog site as well as at Pinterest. You can access her blog at the link or to the right of each page. (Olivet Journal). Please familiarize yourself with these signs and symbols(images). It may not seem that they are affecting us in the physical world but it does in the Spiritual World and our common enemy wants nothing more then to take your eternal soul with him.
Seek the Truth! The Truth will set you FREE!!
Know your Bible… Read the WORD it is food for your SPIRIT!
Watch for these signs in our well known ministries some are sporting the unholy trinity. 😦

Whistle BLOWER- Secret Plot to NUKE parts of the USA Exposed!

This was an awesome find and you should watch it before it is taken down as many of these are being taken down please let me know if this happens and I will post a different link to my cloud storage.

My thoughts on this: I knew something was up as to why all these high ranking Military were getting the boot. They don’t want to play ball with the agenda and the orders they were given.. You see I knew that they have been planting explosives on the Atlantic shelf near NC.. The false flag October surprise and it was stopped. Much much more as to where our tax money is going and like I have said about our birth certificates.. They own us, we are a commodity and they are using us in their gambling ring.. I guess because I don’t work 😀 they aren’t making any money off of me.. 😀


Secret Space War VI:

Dead Humans by the Millions, the Real Alien Agenda?

Unless Americans wake up from their slumber and take their country back from Neocon Zionist hijackers and infil-Traitors who appear to be operating according to an Alien Agenda run out of the City of London Financial District, it certainly seems that they are destined to become dead by the millions in the streets, towns and countryside of the land their forefathers conquered and then freed from England’s Colonial tyranny.