Wise Bride, Foolish Bride

A wise bride knows that keeping the feasts and the commandments of God and walking in Messiah’s teaching will cleanse us of all the filth and sin we were born into. A foolish Bride will walk in the world partaking of all the filthy worldly traditions and practices of paganism. Who are all these false Idol shepherds teaching that we are saved by grace alone? and that Yahshua did it all on the cross?
Messiah did not do it all for you, He was our sacrificial lamb he offered himself up in a new blood covenant because the Father knew we could not fulfill the requirements of the old Adamic law. It is your responsibility to walk in His teaching and teach His teaching. He made us all kings and priests. We are to cleanse our selves daily in prayer and in the Word. Draw closer to him and get to know Him. The Bride needs to be prepared for the supper to walk Righteous and Holy and get to know the King by reading and applying to our lives what he said that pleases Him and what Pleases the Father. Keep His commandments and statutes.
When Haddasah/Esther came into the Kings courts, it took her a year to prepare to be Queen. She had to be cleaned up from the goat and sheep dung that she used to do as her job as a Hebrew maiden. 6 months of cleansing and scrubbing off of all the calluses on the feet and hands, bathing in Myrrh and other scented oils, then another 6 months she had to learn all the statutes and the protocols of the King. So we as the bride of our King need to prepare ourselves. You cannot come to the marriage supper in our stinking filthy pagan rags. Do not learn the way of the heathen.

We have all been called in these end times to complete a mission that the MOST HIGH ordained since before the foundation of the world it is our mission to complete that job before time runs out in this world. To be in the world but not part of it as the set apart Spirit in all of us guides us into all truth. The restoration has already begun!